The Epilepsy Scotland team

Epilepsy Scotland will continue to support people with epilepsy


Our Chief Executive, Lesslie Young, has provided an update on Epilepsy Scotland’s continued service provision.

This is a period of great uncertainty for all due to the current situation regarding coronavirus also known as Covid19 but Epilepsy Scotland’s priority is to ensure we continue to support people affected by epilepsy, whilst keeping our staff and volunteers as safe as possible.

Like many organisations we have had to adapt quickly.  I am proud of how our Board and my team at Epilepsy Scotland have responded to this situation. Not only have we had to adapt to our working environments, but we have had to adapt the services we offer in these unprecedented times.

We continue to provide support to our wellbeing and youth groups remotely, and all participants have been contacted. These groups are a safe meeting space and for some the only opportunity to continue to engage in these difficult times.

We continue to provide essential training courses remotely to help keep care standards high.  All courses are being adapted to fit the needs of clients while maintaining our high standards.

We continue to provide information regarding epilepsy and its impact on social media and on our website. Our Helpline service is still available throughout the working week, and we are here for anyone with concerns about their epilepsy who is struggling with their condition and the impact of self-isolation.

Epilepsy Scotland

Your support is vital

We are only able to continue to carry out our vital support and services during these difficult times because of you.

Please support us if you can by making a donation online or by signing up to our fundraising events later this year, such as our comedy night,  Ladies Lunch in September or by continuing to sign up to the Kiltwalk events across Scotland where we will receive an extra 50% of the money you raise.

Remember, you can request a call back from one of our Helpline and Information Officers by emailing your telephone number to, or send a private message on social media.

Epilepsy is so much more than seizures.  Epilepsy can lead to anxiety, depression and social isolation and in these extreme circumstances this may be worse than ever which is why we are needed now more than ever.

We will continue to be there for people affected by epilepsy across Scotland during these challenging times. We hope you will continue to support us and raise vital funds to enable us to provide the support and services needed.