Help someone like Phil today
After his epilepsy diagnosis, Phil was broken, felt guilty and depressed. He didn’t want to live anymore.
That was until he found Epilepsy Scotland. The support he has received helped him become less isolated and improve his mental health.
Help us support people like Phil by making a donation today.

Donate to Epilepsy Scotland
We need to raise £700,000 each year to ensure we can continue to provide person-centred and individually tailored support like Phil received.Help make a difference to people affected by epilepsy.
What is Epilepsy?
In Scotland, over 80,000 people are affected by epilepsy. Children and older people are most at risk of developing this common serious neurological condition but anyone can develop epilepsy at any time, and eight people a day in Scotland do.
We want to make sure the needs of people with epilepsy are met. This is why we campaign for improved healthcare, better information provision and an end to stigma.