Our Chief Executive, Lesslie Young provides information on our #EpilepsyIsMoreThanSeizures campaign during National Epilepsy Week.
National Epilepsy Week (20-26 May), provides a great opportunity to raise awareness of epilepsy. We can dispel some myths and reduce the stigma attached to this very common condition.
When most people think about epilepsy, they immediately think of someone having a seizure. But seizures are only one symptom of epilepsy. Epilepsy is much more than seizures.
Many have little, if any understanding of the impact this potentially life changing condition may have on the person receiving the diagnosis. It can and often does have a negative impact on mental and emotional wellbeing. This can range from developing anxiety or depression to affecting relationships with family and friends.
According to the Science Direct, between 50 and 60% of people who have chronic epilepsy have various mood disorders including anxiety. Other UK statistics state people with epilepsy are twice as likely to have depression compared to those who do not.
We must not forget the impact on employment. For those who acquire epilepsy when looking for a job it often creates difficulty. Equally, for those who acquire epilepsy whilst in work it can also be difficult.
According to employment studies, people with epilepsy in the UK are more than twice as likely as those without the condition to be unemployed.
During National Epilepsy Week, we are launching an online campaign entitled #EpilepsyIsMoreThanSeizures.
Our #EpilepsyIsMoreThanSeizures campaign will raise awareness of the number of challenges people with epilepsy may face. These include anxiety, depression, side effects of medication, loss of memory and concerns over their safety.
The campaign features real quotes and stories from people we support illustrating their experiences and how epilepsy has affected them.
Please continue to support us by sharing our campaign as far and wide as you can on social media and help us raise awareness of epilepsy, highlighting that it is so much more than seizures.
Virtual collection
During National Epilepsy Week, it is usually an ideal time for Epilepsy Scotland to be out on the streets, in the supermarkets and shopping centres with the buckets and collection cans and making our voice heard.
That’s what we thought at the beginning of the year, but of course that won’t work in 2020.
Instead, we’re inviting you from the safety of your own home, to get the word out and set up a virtual collection.
No cans, no buckets, just send out a link to the fundraising page you’re going to set up for that week and give your friends and family a chance to make a donation.
To support Epilepsy Scotland’s Virtual Collection for National Epilepsy Week go to www.justgiving.com/campaign/ESvirtualcollections and set up your collection page.
Help us to make our voice heard in National Epilepsy Week and keep our vital services going.