Elle shares her experiences of being diagnosed with epilepsy, the impact the pandemic has had on her and how Epilepsy Scotland’s check-in service has helped.
Epilepsy is one of the main things in my life. But having epilepsy hasn’t made my life rubbish, it’s made me face things differently.
I thought I would tell people what it actually is like having epilepsy.
It started when I was a baby. During my childhood, if I was ill or anything, I would take a seizure and it would drain me. When I got to about 10 years old, I got told I would grow out of it.
I didn’t like talking about it because I was always scared people would say I was lying or joking about it but a couple of years back I took a really bad seizure, which was a massive shock to me. It really made me feel awful and drained me.
When my mum made me go to the doctors, they made me go to hospital for a MRI scan from then I got put on the medication, which I am on now.
Don’t be ashamed
When I first started taking my anti-epileptic medication, it made really ill, anxious and depressed. I felt like that for a few months.
However, I have now taken it for nearly two years and although some of the side effects still affects me, I know they are helping me.
I just want to put out there to people not to feel ashamed of having epilepsy or anything.
I honestly thought I couldn’t live my dream and get to where I am now. However, I am quite happy now so if your reading this your not alone!
Check-in service
COVID-19 really made me panic about being ill, as my seizures occur more when am unwell.
Epilepsy Scotland’s check-in service has really helped me during COVID, as I felt really low at the beginning.
I would say that you do not need to be afraid just phone them as it will help. And that you are not letting anyone down and don’t let epilepsy win.
If you want to find out more or register to our check-in service, please get in touch on 0808 800 2200 or email contact@epilepsyscotland.org.uk.