Colin was diagnosed with epilepsy at a early age and has been living with the condition for 25 years.
He shares the challenges he has faced and how Epilepsy Scotland’s Wellbeing service has helped him.
“I have suffered many epileptic seizures from absence seizures to tonic-clonic seizures, but I do suffer more on absence seizures.
The challenges that I faced was that I couldn’t do certain things in life including driving and living independently. Also, my employer had to let me go from work because of epilepsy back in 2018.
I found Epilepsy Scotland looking through the internet (Google) to find more help.
The benefits from meeting the wellbeing team is they will do anything in their power to help you out and if you have any questions there will always be an answer from them.
To be truly honest I have no idea where I would be without the wellbeing team.
To the people who are thinking about using Epilepsy Scotland please do not hesitate to meet them. I highly recommend them.
To the people who have been recently diagnosed with epilepsy, you are not alone who is suffering, be patient as much as you can there will always be an answer.
Do not stop receiving help or reaching out for help. There is always hope, Epilepsy Scotland and my friends have helped me massively.”
To find out more about Epilepsy Scotland’s Wellbeing service, please email or call 0141 427 4911 or click here.