Epilepsy Scotland are calling on all GPs in Scotland to opt out of charging for signing NCT003 forms which entitle people living with epilepsy to a lifeline free bus pass in Scotland.
Currently, adults with epilepsy aged 16 or over can apply for a free bus pass using the NCT003 form as proof they have had one seizure of any type in the last 12 months. The form needs to be signed by their GP or Epilepsy Specialist Nurse (ESN) confirming this and while ESNs don’t charge for this service it is currently up to the GPs discretion whether they charge for this signature and how much they will charge for it.
A person who has had one seizure in the last year is legally not allowed to drive, meaning bus travel is often the only way for them to get work, medical appointments, and meet with friends and family… it’s a lifeline.
However, Epilepsy Scotland have received a number of calls to their freephone Helpline who have spoken about paying GPs anything from £10 up to £40 for signatures on NCT003 forms which only require a signature and practice stamp.
“It is time that all GPs in Scotland opt-out of charging”
Epilepsy Scotland’s Policy and Communications Manager, Andrew Lindsay said: “It is time that all GPs in Scotland opt-out of charging from signing NCT003 forms. People with epilepsy who have seizures are legally not allowed to drive, leaving bus travel and public transport as the only lifeline for many.
“There is no legislation or national policy that prohibits GPs from charging for signing NCT003 forms. It is also not included in the BMA Guidance on certificates which GPs cannot charge fees for. That leaves it entirely at the discretion of each individual GP.
“While we appreciate the pressures being faced by the NHS, and GPs in particular, we believe GPs should support their vulnerable patients who have little choice other than travelling by bus due to their condition. They should be calling government to pay for this service if they cant and in the meantime should all opt-out of charging for signing this lifeline form.”
If you are needing a NCT003 form to complete, please email Epilepsy Scotland at contact@epilepsyscotland.org.uk or call 0808 800 2200.