Our Chief Executive, Lesslie Young looks at the positive impact our services have had on people with epilepsy during this challenging time.
For many of us, last week was another challenging week. We all must continue to react and adapt to the new normal, which of course is anything but normal.
At our team chatter via Zoom, we caught up with our colleagues. A lot of the chat was about them, their families, how they are dealing with the lockdown and of course about work.
One of the absolute highlights was hearing our Youth Development Workers describing what they were doing and the impact it was having. The young people keep saying it brightens their day and the leaders equally so.
To highlight again the positive impact our youth group continues to have, the participants say the youth group is “Fun, supportive, open to everyone and I really look forward to it!”
Our real objective is to ensure anyone with epilepsy is included. This even more important to them and their families just now.
Reinforcing the necessity of this group and all it provides, we have heard from their parents. One parent said, “I know the Epilepsy Group has given my child a chance to socialise and it’s been there right from the start of lockdown! It made a sense of normality for him and gave him an outlet with peers that he just doesn’t have at the moment with no school.”
Key workers
As key workers many of these parents are still working. We cannot overstate the impact of stress and anxiety on our young people and their families.
Being able to rely on Epilepsy Scotland’s youth group being there, providing some routine, stability, reassurance, and a sense or normality to these young people makes a huge difference.
It also provides those parents, these vital key workers, to remain focussed on their roles on the front line.
“Can I say this group really helped my child through this time. She has been a bit anxious and is a bit of a worrier especially with me going to the hospital. I think she was reading too many articles and it was information overload. It has been good for her to talk to her peers. Thanks.”, a key worker parent.
I could not be prouder of my Epilepsy Scotland team who, even in these challenging times have adapted, to continue to be there for those affected by epilepsy. They have proven yet again the people we support really are at the centre of what we do every day.
Our services
Our Wellbeing adult service continues to be busy too, and our Helpline has launched a check-in service supporting anyone with epilepsy who is isolated and may be struggling because of the current situation.
This week, our Welfare Rights team will share information from Social Security Scotland to keep you informed of what you are entitled to.
Please keep in touch via social media. Let us know what you like. Let us know what else you think we could be doing. Epilepsy Scotland is here for you.
My team and I are working to ensure the right support is there for anyone who is living with epilepsy, parents, carers, keyworkers.
We simply could not do what we need and want to do without you. We too, are a team.
Your support has never been more needed. Please be as generous as you can.
Thank you. Stay safe and stay well.