
Help someone like Dave today

“Without Epilepsy Scotland, I probably wouldn’t be here anymore. When I first called their Helpline, I was at a very low point and felt suicidal.

Their empathy and support then and on other occasions since, helped me to find some positivity and determination to live a good life despite my epilepsy.”

Help us continue to support people like Dave by donating today.

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Our fundraising guarantee to you

Fundraising is the lifeblood of many Scottish charities, and we need to raise funds from voluntary sources. We could not fulfill our charitable mission without the support of generous, thoughtful, and committed donors.

We value the support of donors and understand the need to balance our duties to beneficiaries, with our duties to donors.

That is why we have a fundraising guarantee to you. You can read our commitment to you by clicking here. Fundraising Guarantee

We are here to support you

Are you thinking of taking on a challenge or organising a fundraiser for Epilepsy Scotland? We are here to support you every step of the way so get in touch.

email or call 0141 427 4911 and let us know how we can help.