Graham Loan

Graham Loan

Graham has over 20 years’ experience in the UK utilities sector having started his career as an apprentice gas engineer.  Since then, he has held various roles covering operations management, IT project delivery, business change and regulation.  He is has an MBA with The Open University and is a member of the Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers.

Following a seizure at work in 2016, Graham approached Epilepsy Scotland’s telephone helpline for advice and support.He subsequently used the wellbeing service to improve his knowledge of how lifestyle changes can reduce seizure activity and help control his epilepsy.  Having used Epilepsy Scotland’s services, Graham has since completed various fundraising activities raising funds to allow others to be supported.

Graham has a particular interest in improving employment opportunities for those with epilepsy and also improving access to further education through non-traditional routes such as distance learning.
Graham took up the role of Vice Chair in 2023.