During National Epilepsy Week (20-26 May) we are launching our #BeyondSeizure Campaign.
The aim during this week is to help highlight that epilepsy is much more than just seizures and we want to put a spotlight on the challenges that can affect numerous aspects of the lives of people living with epilepsy.
We also want to highlight the importance of social support to people living with epilepsy, which helps them better manage their condition and live better lives.
Good social support results in better overall health outcomes that ultimately saves the NHS money. Health professionals know this, which is why they refer patients to organisations like Epilepsy Scotland which provide social support.
We want to focus on the lack of fair funding from NHS and Local Authorities to contribute towards delivering social support in the community. This is despite receiving a steady number of referrals from Local Authorities, Neurology departments and GPs across Scotland.
Finally, and most importantly, we will be sharing stories throughout the week from people living with epilepsy describing how the condition has impacted them and how they have overcome the challenges and stigma that come with epilepsy.
Below you will find further information and the stories, which will be added throughout the week.
Press release
Epilepsy Scotland Highlights Need For Fair Funding As It Launches #BeyondSeizure Campaign.
- Read the guest blog, Nothing Comes For Free?, our Head of Policy and External Affairs, Andrew Lindsay, wrote for IRISS earlier this year discussing funding for social support.
- Read our blog, #BeyondSeizure: Epilepsy and memory looking at why epilepsy can impact someone’s memory and ways to help improve your memory.
- Read our blog from our Chief Executive, Lesslie Young, #BeyondSeizure: Reflections at 70 during National Epilepsy Week.
- Read our blog, #BeyondSeizure: Impact epilepsy can have on learning.
Read the amazing stories from these remarkable people living with epilepsy people below:
#BeyondSeizure: Epilepsy and memory: Ailsa’s story.
#BeyondSeizure: Impact epilepsy has had on my education.
#BeyondSeizure: Epilepsy and work: Anna’s story
Scottish Parliament debate
National Epilepsy Week debate at The Scottish Parliament.
Listen to our interview with BBC Radio London Football Commentator, Karl Bates about his experiences of living with epilepsy and the challenges he has faced throughout his career because of his epilepsy.