Our Helpline & Information Officer, Stuart Macgee, provides five steps to combat the feelings of loneliness and isolation.
COVID-19 has presented us with a number of challenges since the first lockdown way back in March 2020. Perhaps one of the biggest has been coping with the feeling of loneliness.
With no visitors, no physical contact, no activities during the lockdown periods, COVID-19 has had a detrimental impact on people’s wellbeing who are now experiencing increased feelings of isolation and loneliness.
People living with epilepsy are no stranger to loneliness and isolation.
Epilepsy is much more than just seizures. It means having to live with the uncertainty of seizures, possible side effects of medication and risk of injury.
All this can have a big impact on a person’s mental health leaving many people with a loss of confidence, feeling low or a sense of loneliness.
The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown restrictions have for many people only heightened those feelings.
With society beginning to open up and the vaccination programme gathering pace, there is finally light at the end of the tunnel. We will soon be able to see friends and family again.
In the meantime, and as restrictions lift and allow us a bit more freedom, we are here for you. You are not alone.
If you are feeling isolated or feeling a sense of loneliness, check out our five steps to combat loneliness:
1. Call our helpline
Our freephone helpline, is open weekdays from 10am – 4.30pm. During these challenging times, we are here for you to listen and answer questions about epilepsy.
Call our freephone helpline on 0808 800 2200, email contact@epilepsyscotland.org.uk, or leave us a private message on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
2. Sign up to our check-in service
We will regularly phone and check in on you to see how you are and how you are coping. It’s free, just contact our helpline to sign up.
3. Join our private Facebook Support Group
It helps to connect with others who are going through similar experiences. Just chatting to others makes you feel you are not alone and can help you on your journey with epilepsy.
Our group is a safe and non-judgemental meeting space for anyone affected by epilepsy in Scotland and beyond.
It is a chance to let off steam, share experiences, share information and seek out emotional support from others.
You can join our Facebook Support Group by clicking here.
4. Join our virtual coffee mornings
Once a month, we get together on Zoom to offer anyone affected by epilepsy an opportunity to meet like-minded people, connect, and talk about epilepsy in a safe and relaxed space.
Why not come along to our next virtual coffee morning? Grab yourself a coffee and join us. Dates of our coffee mornings are advertised on social media or call our helpline.
5. Get creative
Lockdown has shifted so many events online. This has given us access to events and opportunities to be part of exciting new ventures, which we would not have had before.
Take part in a workshop, join an online book club, sign up to yoga classes, the possibilities are endless.
To get more information like this, and how to look after your emotional wellbeing and mental health, check out our Emotional Wellbeing booklet.
You can download the booklet here or contact us on our helpline 0808 800 2200 or contact@epilepsyscotland.org.uk if you want a copy posted to you.