
Seizing the day: Jasmine’s epilepsy advocacy

Jasmine shares her story of being diagnosed with epilepsy. Her experiences of biopsy surgery and why she started the Seize The Day Foundation.  ...

Living with epilepsy: Karl’s journey from fear to acceptance

BBC Radio London football commentator, Karl Bates, shares his experiences of being diagnosed with epilepsy, the impact the condition has had on his family...

Living with epilepsy: Elouise’s story

Elouise was diagnosed with epilepsy five years ago. She shares why epilepsy is more than seizures and the support that she has received which...
Queen's Park

Queen’s Park FC honours Epilepsy Scotland’s 70th anniversary with commemorative strip

Queen’s Park Football Club has marked Epilepsy Scotland’s 70th anniversary with the presentation of a special commemorative strip, celebrating a decade-long partnership born from...
Ben Grant

More than seizures: Ben opens up about mental health

Meet Ben, our latest #TalkEpilepsyPodcast guest, as he opens up about his powerful journey with epilepsy and mental health. His story might just be...
Youth speaking competition

Young People With Epilepsy Participate In Prestigious Speaking Competition

Yesterday (29 October) three young people living with epilepsy participated in a once in a lifetime event at the Court of Sessions in Edinburgh...

Losing a loved one to epilepsy- Hart family shares Graeme’s story

Irene lost her son Graeme in early 2023 to epilepsy. Graeme’s sister Carolann and Irene share the impact this has had on the family...

Lyn’s epilepsy journey: How Wellbeing Service helped me

Lyn shares how she felt when she was diagnosed with epilepsy and how Epilepsy Scotland’s Wellbeing Service helped her after a serious car accident....

Video telemetry for seizure monitoring: Dave’s diary part two

Our volunteer Dave, recently had a video telemetry stay at the Clinical Neurophysiology Department, Royal Infirmary in Edinburgh. He kept a diary of his experiences....
Dave McTernan

Video telemetry for seizure monitoring: Dave’s diary part one

Video telemetry is used to help Neurologists to determine what’s going on with uncontrolled seizures. It involves a stay in hospital for several days. ...